Pica syndrome treatment
Pica syndrome treatment

pica syndrome treatment

Many people who have pica hesitate to seek help for this condition. Pica may lead to electrolyte imbalance, which can cause seizures in severe cases. Choking is also a serious health concern, particularly for parents when children have pica. Some consumed materials, like hair, can cause damage to the internal organs when swallowed. For example, roundworm infection can be found with a pica diagnosis. Some people who have pica consume clay or dirt, which can cause them to contract bacterial illness and parasites. Hard substances such as ice damage the teeth, increasing the risk of cavities and gum disease. While pica isn’t inherently dangerous, it can cause health complications. Pica is a compulsive disorder, which means someone who has it can’t control their urge to eat the non-food item even when they try very hard to stop. What Does It Feel Like to Have Pica Disorder?

#Pica syndrome treatment skin

Pica may occur in conjunction with other compulsive disorders such as skin picking and hair pulling. It’s especially noted in children who have experienced poverty, abuse or neglect. Severe stress can also cause symptoms of pica, especially in children. They may also display signs of malnourishment, such as feeling cold, limited concentration, non-healing wounds, weakness, lack of immunity, weakness, fatigue, and lack of interest in eating and drinking. People who rely on extreme diets to lose weight are more likely to develop pica. They may experience stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea or blood in the stool caused by an internal laceration. Depending on the items they eat, people with pica can have diverse symptoms. It’s evident that someone has pica disorder when they consume non-food items and display behavior like chewing paper, so many people self-diagnose with this condition before they see a doctor. What Are the Tell-Tale Signs of Pica Disorder? For example, the Cleveland Clinic reports that some religious sects and communities consume dirt or clay. Pica can be a culturally accepted behavior in some parts of the world. They may also enjoy the sensory experience of consuming the items. Kids who have autism spectrum disorder may struggle to tell the difference between food and non-food items. Children sometimes grow out of this compulsive behavior as they get older.

pica syndrome treatment

A study published in the journal Pediatrics found a pica rate of more than 23% among participants with ASD as compared to 8.4% in a group with other developmental disorders and 3.5% in children with no noted developmental disorders.ĭoctors aren’t sure what causes pica, but some research suggests it results from a zinc or iron deficiency. However, it’s also common during pregnancy and among people with schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other developmental disorders. Pica disorder more commonly affects children younger than 6 rather than adults. Children who have pica may also display behavioral problems at home and school. People who have pica experience a compulsion, which means they crave the item they consume and can’t stop themselves from eating it. Other non-food items often associated with pica include human waste, chalk, glue, cigarette butts or ashes, sand, dirt, hair, buttons, metal fragments, baby powder, charcoal, eggshells, pebbles, pet food, soap or ice. Pica occurs when someone eats items that aren’t meant to be consumed, most commonly clay, dirt or paint flakes. If you’ve heard of pica or wonder why you’ve experienced strange cravings for non-edible items, this comprehensive guide provides details about the causes of pica, pica symptoms, treatments and associated concerns. Characteristic symptoms of pica, a type of eating disorder, include the consumption of items that aren’t food - such as ice, paper or chalk. Pica can commonly occur with pregnancy, but the disorder may also arise outside this nine-month period.

Pica syndrome treatment